10 Things You Need to Know When You Get An Mri

Ultrasound Technician - 10 Things You Need to Know When You Get An Mri
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Do you know about - 10 Things You Need to Know When You Get An Mri

Ultrasound Technician! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Do you know what an Mri is? Have you ever had an Mri? Did you come to be claustrophobic while you were in the Mri Machine? Do you leave the Mri with a headache? If you have answered yes or no to any of these questions, read on.

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How is 10 Things You Need to Know When You Get An Mri

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Ultrasound Technician.

What Is A Mri?

A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) is high capability images of the inside of your body. This is achieved by using a high magnetic field and radio waves. This test will decide your diagnosis. A article will be dictated by the radiologist and sent to your ordering physician.

What Is It Used For?

An Mri is used by your healing doctor to receive a allembracing healing article dictated by the Radiologist. In this way, your doctor can make an literal, healing diagnosis.

Does It Hurt?

No this does will not hurt you. It is a non-invasive test. The only thing it will do is annoy you with the loud noise it makes through out the test.

(1) Questions You Are Asked Before You Receive An Mri:

(a) Do you have any tattoos on your body?

(b) Do you have any metal in your body?

(c) How much do you weigh?

(2) Metal Free:

(a) Lock your valuables in a locker. Especially, any credit cards or any card with a magnetic strip.

(b) You can not take any metal object into the Mri room at all for you safety.

(c) You indeed can not wear anything with metal on it. So if you are wearing jeans with a zipper, snap or button, they will have to be removed. A woman cannot wear a bra if it contains any metal. The safest garment to wear is a hospital gown.

(d) take off all your jewelry and l leave it in your locker.

(3) The Mri:

When you are indeed ready to have the Mri you will be asked to lie down in a long cylinder. Depending on the part of the body to be scanned - you might or might not have your head inside the cylinder.

(4) accomplished And Open Mri Machines:

There are some open Mri machines and these are especially useful for people who are claustrophobic. I was just recently told by an Mri technician, although people prefer the open Mri machines, they are not as literal, in the testing results as the enclosed Mri machine. In either motor the top and bottom are not enclosed.

(5) Noises:

When you are located in a Mri motor you will hear a collection of noises. I always reveal these noises to men breaking up cement with those very noisy drills. These noises although very annoying to you, are very significant for achieving a reading on the Mri scan.

(6) Lying In The Machine:

While you are in the motor and being scanned you need to lay very still. You can not move. If you move you will ruin the image or photo the technician is taking and it will have to be repeated.

(7) How To Stay Calm And Quiet In The Mri Machine:

a) Keep your eyes tightly accomplished and never open them while you are inside the canister.

(b) Use earphones with your favorite radio middle point in your ears. Sometimes, this is not possible, you only get ear plugs which are useless.

(8) Claustrophobic:

If you are indeed claustrophobic you need to familiarize your ordering doctor about this fact. A sedative will be arranged for you to take before you reach the Mri Center. always bring someone with you to drive and make sure you get home safely if you have taken a drug.

(9) Eating:

Most of the time you may be able to eat before and Mri but there are times when you will not be allowed. You will be instructed if you need to be Npo at the time of your Mri.

(10) discrepancy Agent, Dye:

The dye which is used is called gadolinium. It has less of a reaction than any other dye used for other testing. It is used to receive a clearer image of the area which is being scanned.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles on discrete subjects.

Copyright Linda E. Meckler. 2007

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